WebVR karaoke: an architectural case study
By Josh Goldberg
Suppose you want to build an app with a virtual space to hang out with your friends. In real time. Over 3D virtual reality. With a synchronized video playlist. And Karaoke!? 10 years ago, you'd have been laughed out of the room. Today, you'd have plenty of premade opportunities on the web: A-Frame for virtual rooms; Socket.IO for realtime WebSocket communications; TypeScript for cross-stack type safety; React+Next.js for speedy reactive UIs. We'll spend some time together in this talk looking at how to mash all those wonderful pieces of technology together for a stable application. Through that exploration, we'll see how we can take advantage of the web's features and quirks to make our client experience feel great.

Josh Goldberg
Open Source Developer, TypeScript-ESLint
Hi, I’m Josh! I’m an independent full time open source developer. I work on projects in the TypeScript ecosystem, most notably typescript-eslint: the tooling that enables ESLint and Prettier to run on TypeScript code. I’m also the author of Learning TypeScript (O’Reilly), a Microsoft MVP for developer technologies, and an active conference speaker. My personal projects range from static analysis to meta-languages to recreating retro games in the browser. Also cats.