Hack Proofing Your JavaScript A Fun And Engaging Guide To Enhancing Security
By Jessie Auguste
Are you struggling to get into and enjoy the fundamentals and developments within Javascript security? Do you find it tough to engage your team with security concepts? In this talk, we'll explore how to make JavaScript security best practices fun and interesting. You'll learn about common vulnerabilities and how to prevent them, all while having a great time. Whether you're a seasoned developer or new to the field, you'll walk away with practical tips and techniques for enhancing the security of your JavaScript applications. Discover how easy and enjoyable it can be to hack-proof your code!
Jessie Auguste
Jessie is an award winning Software Engineer at CybSafe, Co-Founder and Co-host of Glowing in Tech. She is a key part of the Leadership Team for Coding Black Females. She’s delivered technical talks for companies and at conferences including LeadDev, codebar, General Assembly, Docker, Girls into Coding & Daily Dev. She has instructed and delivered courses on behalf of companies such as CybSafe, Coding Black Females and UBS.