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Build your own Node js app in the browser with WebContainer API

By Sylwia Vargas


BeJS conf 2023

Running Node.js in the browser has been a dream of many educators, documentarians, and innovative programmers. In this talk, we will look at how to use WebContainer API to spin up your own playground, editor, tutorial, or hack an entirely new type of experience.

Picture of Sylwia Vargas: Speaker at BeJS conf 2023

Sylwia Vargas



Sylwia (pronounced "Sylvia") is a Devrel strategist, a tech writer, and an educator passionate about making tech accessible and diverse. She is a co-organizer at React Robins, a community for women and non-binary React devs. Aside from tech, she’s working on a card game and loves hiking, biking, pierogi, and plants.

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