Picture of React Brussels speaker Victor Bury

Victor Bury

Software Engineer, Mirahi


Victor is a Software Engineer at Mirahi. With a background in IT systems, Victor masters JavaScript. Within this language, Victor is familiar with Angular, React, Vue and Node. Victor is also the creator of Orval which give you the possibility to generate client with appropriate type-signatures based on your OpenApi specification. Victor is an expert gamer, lover of Belgian beers and proud owner of a dog Ivy.

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Talks at BeJS events

Increase your productivity with contract-first development methodology Victor Bury

Have you ever used contract-first development to speed up your productivity and avoid bugs? Contract like open api specification is more than a documentation. It gives clarity to your team on how to imagine and build a new feature of your product. You can also use tool like Orval to generate your models, HTTP calls and mocks which give you more time to be focused on other requirements